By Philip otieno

Herbert Marshall McLuhan, provides very insightful and prolific media theories that elicit debate in relevance to new media. In his writing “The Medium is the massage “he elaborates why medium of information is more important than the information itself. Though his arguments were not made in the era of what is today considered new media, his arguments are still relevant. He alludes at one point to “One gossip column that is unforgiving, un-forgetful and from which there’s no redemption”. In this statement he speaks about the pros and cons of media. It is undeniable that the new media is truly unforgiving and unforgetful.

The new media archives every bit of content shared. Deleting is not enough to erase the content shared. Many people have suffered job dismissal for sharing so much on social media; There is cyberbullying and cyberstalking too. Big brother Marshall McLuhan already warned, so watch out on the new media and don’t fall victim to unpragmatic use of new media. Just bear in mind that social media is not your life, be selective on what you put out there for the masses.

Do you like inviting trouble? Of course you don’t, but you have been doing it unknowingly. By oversharing on social media. Once in their lifetime, majority of social media users do post intimate details about their relationships, friends or families. If not, chances are high they have come across such on their frequent strolls through the pathways of the new media. Or even others letting out their frustrations or emotions through online platforms. But for one American citizen, he decided to take the game a notch higher by posting a video of himself drinking, what is alleged to be beer while driving. I wonder if the say “You will do foolish things but do them with enthusiasm “is bespoke for this lad, but also the dilemma strikes in because the brave fear nothing. According to CNN the “brave lad “Mr. Richard Godbehere is due in court to answer charges on drunk driving without a license.

The new media archives every bit of content shared. Deleting is not enough to erase the content shared. Many people have suffered job dismissal for sharing so much on social media; There is cyberbullying and cyberstalking too. Big brother Marshall McLuhan already warned, so watch out on the new media and don’t fall victim to unpragmatic use of new media. Just bear in mind that social media is not your life, be selective on what you put out there for the masses.

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